Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

The Link Between Fitness & Self Esteem

Self esteem can often be attributed to how a person feels about their body and their looks. It often has a great deal of influence on how they see the world. Working out and getting in shape can have a big impact on your self esteem. It releases feel good chemicals in the brain that helps you feel better and more invigorated. These chemicals are also effective even if you haven't lose much weight yet. Using exercise to release these natural brain chemicals also gives your self esteem a nice boost too. You also get the satisfaction of knowing that you're working towards something that will make you feel better over time.

How does fitness and exercise relate to self esteem?

It can be a vicious cycle and one that's hard to break. People with low self esteem generally don't want to work out. They rarely ever feel like working out and often have a negative outlook on anything that requires them to get up and do something. To break this cycle you need to start getting in some daily exercise. It's almost a Catch-22; you need to exercise so you'll feel better and have a better outlook, if you had a better outlook you'd feel more like working out.

If you've suffered from low self esteem for awhile, it can take awhile to start rebuilding yourself. Starting an exercise program is one of the best ways you can do this. It's not a quick fix and it's not a magic bullet, but once you start doing it and your brain is more efficient at releasing those feel good chemicals, you will start to notice a difference. You'll even start to crave the new feelings that exercise can give you.

The best thing to do is find a way to break the cycle and start working out. Over time it will become easier, you'll feel better and your self esteem will increase as well.

Does starting a fitness program help build self esteem?

You should find that you're happier and feel better about yourself even before the weight starts coming off. Yes, looking better will boost your self esteem later on, but in the beginning, feeling better about yourself will keep you going until you start noticing changes in how your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror. A fitness program can definitely help you work towards building your self esteem.

How to start a fitness program when your self esteem is low.

Yes, this can be difficult. As I mentioned earlier it can seem like a Catch-22. You need to start with small goals in mind. If three minutes is all you can make yourself get up and do, then it's a start. Do it. Keep telling yourself that you will make progress and it will work to make you feel better physically and emotionally.

Don't expect a miracle too soon. It will take time. If you can do three minutes a day for a week or two, you can start adding one or two minute increments each week or every other week. Before long, your endurance will increase and you'll start to look forward to your daily workout. Just remember, don't make it so grueling that you dread it. Start small and work your way up to longer workout times.

A few minutes each day is enough time to get those brain chemicals awake. It may take a few weeks to really start feeling their effects, but you need to realize that they've become inefficient from non-use. They need time to adjust and work properly too.

How building your self esteem through fitness helps your self esteem in other areas of your life.

Once you start exercising and feeling better about yourself and your body, this can bleed over into other areas of your life. Self esteem in one area often leads to self esteem in other areas. Getting your brain chemistry right has a lot to do with how you feel about the work you do, how much effort you put into a job and how many challenges you're willing to take on. It also has a lot to do with how much you want to do.

Starting an exercise program and building your self esteem can leave you with a willingness to keep the house cleaner, get out and socialize more, start new hobbies.

Learning to feel good about who you are is a journey that takes time, patience, self-awareness and an ability to forgive yourself. As difficult as that may be, the rewards of self-confidence, improved relationships, a more positive self-image makes it worth striving for. Getting in shape and daily exercise can lead to building your self esteem. It starts small, you'll start to feel better. The chemicals the brain starts to release will help fight off mild depression and give you a better sense of accomplishment and a more positive mood.

Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Why Juices and Smoothies Aren’t As Healthy As You Think

Juices and smoothies can be healthy either as a supplement to a meal or meal replacement, but only if you know what ingredients went into making them. With store-bought smoothies and juices, there can be four issues:

Portion size Anizan Google
As a meal replacement, 16 ounces is a serving; 8 ounces if drunk as part of a meal. But some purveyors have portions up to 64 ounces on their menu. That is anywhere from 4 to 8 times as much as what is considered a portion. The volume is one thing, but you are also getting way calories than you need.

Added sugar

At home, you can control the amount of sugar you add, if any. Keep in mind there is naturally occurring sugar in the fruit, milk and yogurt. Normally you don’t have to add any additional sugar. But that is not the case when you buy fruit juice or a smoothie. To know if sugar has been added or not, look up the nutritional information on the company’s website. A 16-ounce Classic Smoothie from a U.S. national chain has 67 grams of sugar. The American Heart Association recommends 37.5 grams per day for men and 25 grams per day for women.

You can do the math, but it isn’t too hard to see that you are getting almost 2 to 3 times your daily sugar recommendation in a single smoothie. Juices can be just as bad; a 12-ounce juice has 28 grams of sugar.

Too many carbohydrates

Not only do juices and smoothies contain too much sugar, they also (as could be expected) contain far too many carbohydrates. While complex carbs are not bad, simple carbs (sugar) are because they digest quickly and spike your blood sugar. This stimulates your body to dump insulin into your bloodstream to process the sugar. Because your body can’t use all of the calories at once, the excess is stored as fat.

However if you make your own smoothies and juices, you can leave out the sugar and instead add in some protein powder. Protein keeps you fuller longer and doesn’t spike blood sugar or promote fat storage.


Blending takes a lot of bulk and grinds it down into a smaller quantity. If you were to take all the ingredients of a smoothie and put it on a plate, you would be astonished at the volume it would take up.

For example, one cup each of strawberries, yogurt, soymilk and orange juice, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and ¼ cup of oats – could one person possibly eat this much?

You are when drinking a smoothie – it is just in a smaller package. No wonder a smoothie is over 300 calories and a 12-ounce juice is at 150 calories or more.

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

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